We care about your physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

We take seriously our responsibility to maintain a safe and supportive practice environment for all of us. To guide us in that endeavor, we abide by the Three Root Guidances: 1) refrain from doing cruel acts (causing harm on purpose and knowingly creating conditions that lead to harm), 2) perform all acts of healing (creating conditions for physical, emotional, and psychological well-being and taking action to reduce harm), and 3) keep your mind clean of ill will and willful ignorance (owning when we cause harm and mitigating conditions that lead to harm). 

This ethic of harm reduction is at the heart of everything we do at Indy Community Yoga. 

If you experienced harm or witnessed something dangerous or harmful in one of our practices, e.g. physical safety, COVID safety, harassment, someone being creepy to you, unethical behavior, etc., please let us know ASAP. You may let us know using whichever of the following ways is easiest for you:

1. Tell your Practice Leader. Immediately is best, but it’s never too late.

2. Use this form to inform our board,

3. Let Tony know directly (email: tony@indycommunityyoga.org, text or call 317-296-4540)

What happens after I report an incident?

We will convene a quorum of our board to determine next steps within 48 hours and follow up with you unless you indicate that you don’t want us to.

COVID-19 and Other Contagious Disease

Please attend practice in-person only if you are not exhibiting any symptoms of contagious illness such as cough, sore throat, fever, chills, runny nose, sneezing, malaise, etc. Stay home and take it easy if you’re not feeling well! Get something yummy to eat and rest. Please join us online instead. Thank you for acting out of care for the health and well being of yourself and others.


Community care and harm reduction guide both our behaviors and the design of our practice spaces. Our procedures adjust based on the current CDC Community Level for Marion County. We use a layered approach in designing our practice spaces — ventilation, physical distancing, wearing face masks, hand hygiene, and vaccination — in accordance with CDC recommendations. 

Our in-person practices are, for the most part, outdoors in spaces set up for physical distancing. Being outdoors dilutes and disperses viral particles and greatly lowers the probability of transmission vs. an indoor setting. Think of cigarette smoke indoors vs outdoors.

When we do practice indoors together, exclusion of the virus from the practice space is even more critical since highly contagious respiratory viruses are transmitted through the air. For daylong practices, we

  • verify that every everyone who will be in the building is vaccinated and tests negative for COVID from a rapid test that we provide upon arrival before participants are permitted to enter the building.
  • To lower the probability of transmission in case someone is unknowingly infected, we choose very large rooms with high ceilings and keep the windows open to move fresh air in while controlling temperature to keep things comfortable,
  • provide comfortable and protective KF94 masks,
  • make it easy to keep hands clean, and
  • set up the space to ensure physical distancing, especially when eating and drinking.
  • After the event, we offer a free rapid test to anyone who develops symptoms after one of our indoor practices.

Thanks for looking out for the health and well-being of those around you. If you have any comments or advice for us, or have approaches that work for you, please let us know


Your friends at Indy Community Yoga

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